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Welcome to All Strings Nylon
Knowledge Base!

All Strings Nylon Knowledge BaseOr should we say…welcome to its humble beginnings…

To make the ASN Knowledge Base a better place for everyone involved, we encourage you to take this opportunity to help us grow it into an impressive collection of articles on various topics related to nylon string instruments:


ASN News

Updates on All Strings Nylon, new website features, new products, and new specials

  1. The World’s Largest Dealer of Cordoba Master Series Guitars

    Cordoba Master Series guitars at All Strings NylonIt’s official: All Strings Nylon stocks and sells more Cordoba Master Series classical and flamenco guitars than anyone else on the planet. Not only in terms of numbers, but variety as well.

  2. February 2016: ASN Photo/Video Contest Rules

    Quilted maple Master Series HauserWin $50 or $10 for your photo or video of why you love your nylon string instrument  - complete video contest rules…

  3. Fall 2015: ASN Visits California Luthiers and Manufacturers

    Kenny Hill and LR BaggsVisiting the luthiers and manufacturers who deliver the great products we offer on our site gives me an opportunity to meet face to face with some truly gifted folks. On my last trip out to the west coast, I hooked up with our videographer who lives in Laguna Beach, and we embarked a week long road trip up the coast of California shooting video footage. Here’s just a sample of some of the videos we’ve put together.

  4. May 2015: ASN Visits Cordoba and Hill Guitars Workshops

    Chuck Marfione of All Strings Nylon took the opportunity in May 2015 to visit two luthier workshops that supply ASN with high-end guitars.

  5. New and Improved AllStringsNylon.com Is Here!

    New All Strings Nylon logoDear All Strings Nylon Customer,

    It seems like we just gave a facelift to the AllStringsNylon.com website — which we indeed did in January 2014. But we feel that you deserve even better, so for the last few months in 2014 we busily redesigned and improved again, to give you the best possible shopping experience. Now that The Big Launch actually took place just in time to greet 2015 with a bang, it’s time to let you know what’s in store…

  6. Five Reasons to Sign Up for ASN News

    All Strings Nylon NewsThere are five good reasons for you to subscribe to the monthly ASN News today…